Tag Archives: plane

Travel to Madrid, part deux

8 Oct

This probably shouldn’t even be a post on it’s own, but you can’t have a part 1 without at least a part 2, right?

Our flight to Madrid was uneventful. I had hoped for more sleep, but managed almost 3hrs between the dinner and breakfast services, which isn’t bad considering the flight was only 6hrs. I swear, going to Newark threw everything off for me. I’m used to 10hr international flights, so having it split into 2 30%/70% ones threw a wrench in my routine. Life, right?

I did end up with no one next to me, praise be! Lol. Extra room for my rowmate and myself!

As far as the rest goes, here’s a few fotos and then I’m signing off. Love y’all!

Can you tell I’m half dead to the world lololol

And so begins flight numero dos!

Because Mia loves them (yuck!)

Almost there!

Goodbye plane that hit the worst turbulence ever

Madrid Airport, groovy all day.

Random shuttle shot as we head to Terminal 4 aka the airport metro station

Til next time,

