Tag Archives: Conventions


10 Apr

So, I have a few conventions coming up that I’m counting down. I can’t wait!!

Dallas Comic Con: May 19-20

Comicpalooza (Houston): May 25-27

Texas ComiCon (San Antonio): June 22-24

Austin Comic Con: October 26-28

Gallifrey One (LA): February 15-17, 2013

I never thought living in Austin would put me in a prime convention spot. Then again, I didn’t get into conventions until I was 30. Yay for being a geek!

Anyone have conventions they recommend? Do you go to cons? Let us know!!

Peace & Who

My First #Gally Experience: Thursday

27 Feb

So, it finally happened.  I made it to Gallifrey One, THE Doctor Who convention in Los Angeles.  I was dissappointed when my plans fell through last year, but not this year! 🙂

Laura met me at my apartment on that morning and we drove to ABIA. We wondered if there were going to be any other Austin Doctor Who peeps on our flight, and there was! Sean from the Tardis Tavern was there, as well as two other girls who were connecting from Baltimore (HEY!!). The flight was fine, but OMG when we lost altitude (over the Cali/AZ border I think), I grabbed the seat in front of me and thought my stomach was going to fly out of my throat.  The kids all shrieked (which I don’t blame them). Upon touchdown, the overhead compartment across from us flew open. Four hands flew up to stop the bags from coming out to which we all applauded.  We actually arrived in LA ~20-25 minutes early, as our pilot treated the 737 like a stolen Lambo >_<

We grabbed our luggage and found the Marriott shuttle.  We sat in the back by Sean, and then Shaun the Convention Director got on (Hi Shaun!) got on board and we all chatted with him on the way there.  THEN I geeked out, becuase I saw Richard Franklin was on our shuttle. I had a quick fangirl moment, which thankfully he couldn’t see lol. We arrived at the hotel and checked in. (FYI The Marriott at LAX had me pay at check-in, so be prepared for the off chance it happens to you).

After checkin in, what did we do? (Note to self, don’t wait over a week to do this write-up. As an archaeologist, I should know this.) We ate dinner at Champions (higher prices, but HUGE portions); hit up the liquour store (Pinky’s maybe? All I can say is that at the age of 31, I GOT CARDED! WTF?! I’ve never been carded, sigh.) I got my messenger bag, threw my ribbons in and we went to see what this LobbyCon was all about.  It turned into a blur of activity and ribbon exchanging.  If I remember anything else pertinent, I’ll add it in later.

Next up, Friday!


Some photos from Gallifrey One 2012

23 Feb

Don’t hate me if the photos aren’t the clearest.  I have added a new camera to my list of things to buy before my next convention in May. Enjoy though, and don’t forget to check out our Conventions Are Cool blog!

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My experience at the Dallas SciFi Expo

14 Feb

Two words: Amazing and Thrilling.

And yes, I could copy & paste it to my blog, but I added my thoughts to our Cons Are Cool blog. Hop over there to read all about it, plus see a few photos.

And I’ll add more photos soon; hopefully before Gallifrey One this weekend, but don’t hold your breath.

Peace & Who

Hip hip hooray for real women cosplayers!

7 Jan

Ok, so a crazy amount of thanks to the wonderful Jen at Epbot linking me/everybody to great photos from a 1980 convention, I present to you this:

An amazing cosplayer from 1980, and one with curves!! 🙂

 Many thanks to Dik Daniels and LASFS (the Los Angeles Science Fiction Society) for putting up fantastic photos from the 1980 WesterCon!!


Dragon*Con 2012

28 Nov

RoRo just let me know that starting next year, Southwest will have direct flights to Atlanta!! *squee* It’s like everything is falling into place for me, convention wise *happy dance* My ticket is booked to LA for Gallifrey One; there is a Firefly reunion rumoured in the works at the SciFi Expo; 4 other “local” conventions in the Texas Triangle (San Antonio-Dallas-Houston areas); and now the Dragon*Con news….2012 is going to be exceptional!!

Are any of you convention goers? Do you cosplay? Prefer attending the panels over anything else? Convention Virgins? Share with us =)

Off to class…I shall talk to y’all on the flipside! Have a great Cyber Monday…
