Archive | February, 2018

Cali Vacation – Day 1

14 Feb

I should call this the day I stayed up 21hrs, smh. (and Day 2 looks like it’ll be nearly the same)

Left for the airport at 345a, dropped my car off at the Parking Spot, shuttled to Terminal, and then waited in line at security for 45min. Never seen so many groups going anywhere in February. Wonder if they were all going cruising? Anyways…boring flight, made it to LA, and checked into the hotel. Blah blah blah lol.

This Hilton is nice!

The room is a lot bigger than the Marriott rooms, so that’s a plus (and it was cheaper, yay). There is no fridge which sucks, but we’ll make it work somehow.

Moving on. Day 1 was chill because I was the first one to LA. Katrina and Chris arrived at about noon. We met up, had lunch at Denny’s and caught up. After we parted ways, I went to the hotel, was hoping to meet up with an aunt, that didn’t work out, and by then I was nearly dead to the world. Stayed in the room, put on pjs, turned on the Olympics and eventually fell asleep.

I swear, this vacation will get more interesting lol. Promise!

xox, jess

Gallifrey One 2018

11 Feb

It’s that time of year again!

After taking 2017 off, I am returning for my 6th Gallifrey One! Huzzah! 😉

I’ll be meeting up with most of Team Wine Lords from Austin (Laura, Eric, and Mark), and it’ll be good to see other friends I haven’t seen in almost 2yrs! I can’t wait to see everyone 😊

Relaxation, family, friends, and geekery…….stay tuned. The adventure begins Tuesday!