Archive | March, 2012

Mega Millions, hmmm.

31 Mar

Not me this time!

To make up for it, I’ll watch some episodes of Warehouse 13 with Mark Sheppard in them *rrr*

Everyone have a great Saturday!

1 problem down, 2 to go!

28 Mar

After multiple emails going back and forth with a new advisor who had emails going with my old advisor, she finally approved my graduation application. *phew*

Now I just need to make sure I can pass my classes. Myths and Moundbuilders won’t be a problem and I’ll make an A. My correspondence class I just need to make sure I finish, blah. The killer this semester is my Theory of Anthropological Thought. God how I hate that class. Totally pointless and I could kill the person who felt that this class was detrimental to anyone getting their degree. Yes I know, positive thoughts, yada yada.

I hope everyone has been having a great week so far. Work is actually going great right now, so that’s another stress on the back burner. I miss volunteering and need to get caught up on school work, so I can get back there next week.

Take care y’all!

Shoot me! Well, not really, but you know what I mean.

26 Mar

I am so freaking sick of school. (I edited out about 3 words from there to keep it PG, so throw some in for me when you read this).

I hate the Capstone class.  I don’t see what the point of it is.  Not only that, but now this fall they are offering 4 specific classes in lieu of it. Such BS!! I would rather take an archaeology related theory class, then this stupid cultural one *screams*

Then I get an email this weekend, the day after the funeral, and it says I am not approved to graduate, but I can walk. Ok 1. Who wants to walk, but not graduate, I mean seriously? 2. How was I cool to graduate last fall, but now this semester I can’t? I am so over college. Especially with this worthless degree I am getting. I love archaeology, but I will work for UPS and then take my two weeks of vacation and do a field school somewhere.

Between that and the family stuff last week, and the stress of work, I can see how someone who doesn’t like life and can’t handle the stress would commit suicide. I personally like life and want to keep on keepin’ on, so I’m not going anywhere, but I can understand .

Is it time for a convention yet? I need some of “my” people to hang around.


Con Kasterborous – June 9-10, 2012

25 Mar

North America has a new Doctor Who Convention! CON KASTERBOROUS!!

It’s in Huntsville Alabama June 9-10, 2012.  If you’re within driving distance or can catch a flight, come hang out with some fantastic Whovians! If you do go, let us know how it goes! This Whovian has it added to her list for next year 🙂

Doctor Who Series Seven Trailer

24 Mar

A fan filmed this at the Doctor Who convention this weekend!

RIP Grace Shafer

22 Mar

My paternal grandmother passed away on Tuesday night. The whole situation surrounding her death is hinky, but I’m rolling with it for now. Today is the viewing, the rosary is tonight, and her funeral is Friday. My dad is holding up surprisingly well for the time being, but I’m worried the funeral might be too much for him. Just get through today first and then deal with Friday.

Grandma, miss you ❤

Peace & Who

BBC America and SXSW

14 Mar

The Doctor Who Fan Club of Austin Texas is having a watch party for SXSW. BBC America has said they will stop by. We’ll be at Tribe Comics and Games off of Manchaca in South Central Austin.

Festivities start at 8p and include a costume contest with wonderful prizes of geekery, Who style (Prizes are for Best Doctor, Best Companion, Best Baddie, and Best Doctor Who nerd tee).

It will be great fun, so come out to meet some local Austin Whovians, watch some Who, and be merry!

Peace & Who


11 Mar

Happy Birthday to the smart, sexy, and all around FANTASTIC man, John Barrowman! ❤

Peace & Who

Update time (including a bit of Gally)

8 Mar

Where did the time go? How is it already the 8th of March? I like being older, but not if the years start flying by this quickly!

Generalized update:
1. ConCrud
2. Severe Allergies
3. School took over my life
4. My manager was out on leave, so I was basically left in charge.

All that equals chaos in the life of Jessica. That being said, let me break it down for you. As for being sick, I thought I had escaped the concrud that everyone was complaining about having, and then a week after Gally BAM! Sick for 5 days and then thanks to this beautiful spring-like weather we’re having, the allergies kicked in. (Hooray for everyone on campus looking like death warmed over with half of them having whatever was going around and the other half dealing with allergies). Still a little stuffed up, but I am 100% on the energy levels 🙂

School kicked into high gear as soon as I got back from LA, which I struggled with because I was totally off my sleep schedule.  Over the course of one weekend, I had gotten used to staying up until midnight or 2a and then waking up at 430a or 6a to start over again. Granted, I was able to do it due to being on a convention high.  I got home and was back to my “normal schedule” of going to bed at 6 or 7p and waking up at 2 or 230a. Well, I tried anyways.  I still ended up going to bed at around 10p and then waking up at 230a for work, hauling butt to school and trying to stay alert enough to actually learn something. Then I got sick the day before my Myths and Moundbuilders exam, but I did get an A on it *woohoo* Thankfully, Spring Break is next week (and SXSW and a Doctor Who BBCA Meetup), so everything will be amazeballs and truly back to normal after that.

Gallifrey: was amazing. A-MA-ZING! That’s all I can really say. It was a great first Doctor Who Convention experience, I’m uber happy that I was able to attend, and there were so many highlights:
1. Seeing the Radio Free Skaro live show and talking to Warren randomly at the bar.
2. Meeting Camille Coduri, Paul McGann, Tony Curran, Mark Shephard, William Russell, Nicholas Briggs, Barnaby Edwards, Charlie Ross, Jake McGann, Daphne Ashbrook, Yee Jee Tso, Philip Segal, and the Big Finish actors.
3. Meeting peeps from LJ (Hi Michelle! Hi Becca!)
4. Seeing the insaneness of an Amy Pond photoshoot.
5. Skittle Amys (that showed up anyways lol)
6. The 3 Who Fangirl!
7. Meeting Austin Whovians (hey guys!!)
8. All the freakin fantastic cosplay. My faves: Aztec Barbara, the Adipose, the Ood (and the Ood-dogs), Old Amy, the hot Nine, the Nine with the mannequin arm…the list can go on for awhile…
9. LobbyCon
10. Roscoe’s in Inglewood

Work has been work.  My manager went on leave the day before I left for LA, so I had to jump right back into the muck as soon as I got back. However, she started back yesterday, so my three and a half weeks of working hell is over! *happy dance*

That’s the update.  Now that everything is on a normal cycle, I’ll bug y’all more often 😉

Peace & Who,

Needed a pick me up today, so….

2 Mar

I stopped by Tribe Comics of course 🙂


Peace & Who

**UPDATED** to include the second photo 🙂