Archive | June, 2012

How I spent my Thursday morning. AKA the day from hell!

26 Jun

I’ll let the pictures explain some of it. I am sore and stiff, though I am finally up to about 90% mobility in my neck. I just cannot turn it to the right very quickly.  No broken bones or other serious injuries. The EMTs said I was lucky to be alive from the way she hit me and then the run in with the pole. I am just grateful my airbag did not go off. I am scared to death of those things. I hit the right side of my face/head against the steering wheel, so if it would have deployed I am pretty sure my neck would have snapped. (and yes, I was wearing my seatbelt. Have the mild burn to prove it.) I ended up with: light bruising under my right eye and around my neck; stiff neck (no initial mvmt to the right); sore sides; I favored my right leg; and had a 2″ bump on the right side of my head. The driver side door was jammed and the window would not roll down far enough to climb out, so I crawled out the passenger door. A nice gentleman from the mexican restaurant near the crash got us chairs and glasses of water and let me use his phone to call my mum (since my phone was who knows where in my car). A woman called 911 for us, the cops arrived, grabbed my phone and purse for me, took down information, and after an initial checkup, the EMTs took me by ambulance to the hopsital. The doctor (sadly, not The Doctor) checked me over and explained that I had no broken ribs, my thumb was just stressed and bruised, and that I had concussion symptoms, but no concussion (which was why I was dazed and slow to respond, but coming out of it quickly). I also had great blood pressure for someone just in an accident (I am great in stressful situation like this). I was finally done crying, he wrote my prescriptions, and I waited around trying to find someone to pick me up. Laura was able to bring me to CVS for the meds and drop me off at my apt. My mum and dad drove up from Houston (during which my dad got pulled over for speeding and thankfully was only given a warning. Which is hilarious b/c my dad drives like a snail normally. Love ya pops!) I kinda just stared at the living room wall until my parents arrived, threw random items into an overnight bag, picked up the prescriptions, and drove the three hours back to Houston so I could recuperate. Now I am dealing w/the pain & the other person’s insurance. Sick of everything.

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Is it time for Gally yet???

The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel – Review

16 Jun

I love most anything British. I love Dames Judi Dench and Maggie Smith. Bill Nighy is smashing in anything he touches. Tom Wilkinson is a great actor. Penelope Wilton will always be “Harriet Jones, Prime Minister” to me. Celia Imrie I adored in After You’ve Gone. That being said, I needed to see this film.

“It’s funny. It’s warm. It’s touching.” – Graham Norton

Now granted, it took me a few weeks to shuffle my schedule around to fit it in, but I finally did this week. The 14th actually, as a matter of fact. I love catching the first movie of the day, especially during the summer when the kids are out of school (not mine, everyone else’s!).  It’s relaxing, the theatres are wonderfully empty, and most importantly for me, there were NO KIDS! (I don’t hate kids, but I prefer to enjoy my movie sin bambinos).

From here I’ll put everything else behind a cut so as not to spoil anything, but do know it was a cute film, and a perfect way to spend the afternoon. Continue reading

Gallifrey One 24 – TARDIS Tribute Cosplay Group

16 Jun



Countries I Want to Visit

13 Jun

Random post is random, I know. There are many countries I would die love to visit and I know many of them are outside my realm of availabilty (i.e. Iraq and Iran), but there are some that are still possible. Those being: (alphabetically) *note, this is not a short list*

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TopShop Mashup

3 Jun

I was browsing through the TopShop USA website and I came across these leggings:

I decided I wanted to put together a few outfits with the leggings as the base piece. (The shoes ended up going with each outfit I chose as well. What? They’re cute!) So, here is what I came up with. I’ll post links for the pieces involved (other than the leggings as they are linked above) after each photo.

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