Tag Archives: Christmas

Snowman pee, Reindeer poo, and other fun Christmas madness

27 Dec

As exciting as snowman pee and reindeer poo may sound (and I am sure it might be, if you are a farmer living at the North Pole), my Christmas was relaxing and family-filled. 

I got off work on Christmas Eve (darn you UPS!), went home, packed up my car, and I was on my way.  I had the “Best of Billie Piper” playing with random switches to the Christmas music station and had a venti caramel macchiato keeping me warm.

I finally got to Houston and the first thing I did upon entering my parents abode was slide across their new entry hall floor.  Thankfully I stayed upright 🙂 I loved seeing my niece again! She is getting so big!!!

Short story long, Christmas Eve was spent at my Aunt & Uncle’s house in Pearland.  It was nice to be around family and always good seeing the Fens’. Christmas Day was wonderful.  I slept in until 430 (hey, that is 2 1/2 hrs more than a normal morning so shut it!). My sister, brother-in-law and nephew showed up, Dad had cinnamon rolls baking, and mom got the coffee brewing. Miss Sharon (aka Mom #2) came over and we all opened presents. It was nice.  Becca, my SIL, her mom came over to watch my niece open her presents.  Well, “open”  anyways lol.  She tore a little bit of the wrapping paper, but that was about it.  Still, not bad for a 4-month old. We spent the rest of the day chillaxing at the parentals and then on Boxing Day I did the same.  Well, add in some laundry and an expensive trip to Best Buy, and that was the end of my trip.  We went to La Presa for some yummy mexican food and then I headed home.  The drives between Austin and Houston are long and boring (though not as boring as Houston and Dalls thank god!)

My Christmas Score:
A Christmas Story leg lamp
Toshiba tablet and accessories
2 Doctor Who sonic screwdrivers: Eleven and Nine/Ten
Sailor Mooon new manga #1
Doctor Who Series 6
the yearly Holiday Barbie
heart earrings
Betsey Johnson bag

It was a great Christmas.  The Packers won, we watched the Doctor Who Christmas Special, and had a much needed time off from the daily routine.

I hope all of you had a great Christmas/Holiday as well!


My Christmas Tree

2 Dec

It’s pink, the ornaments are too big, and I love it!! =)

Peace & Who