Archive | July, 2012

RIP my Romana, Mary Tamm

26 Jul

You were one of the first companions I connected with
from the Classic series.

You’ll never know my appreciation, but you’ll always have
my love and respect.

RIP Mary Tamm
March 22, 1950 – Jul 26, 2012

To the arse who felt the need to spew his hate my way re: the TDKR massacre

20 Jul

*this rant is rated M for curse words*

The massacre at the theatre in Aurora Colorado saddens me. Do not send me crap saying that I am a bad person for being sad and upset this happened, “when there are other countries with worse issues.” You know what I have to say to you? This happened in my country. We are not a war zone. We do not have multiple extreme shootings like this on a daily basis. This happened in an enclosed building, where families and individuals just wanted to enjoy themselves and watch an amazing film. They did not think “hey, let’s risk our lives and go see the midnight screening of the Dark Knight Rises.” Are you that much of a fucking asshole that you have no respect to the families who have all suffered losses? There was a 3 month old shot. A 3 MONTH OLD! Who the fuck are you to tell me not to be sad just because, to you, it’s “not as bad” as some random people in a country that has severe political unrest and terrorism issues. No I don’t know anyone in Aurora, nor do I know anyone in a middle eastern country, but I’ll be damned if ANYONE tells me how I am supposed to feel about ANYTHING.

Go spew your hate and ignorance elsewhere.

*hops off soapbox*

Celebrate, Regenerate Fanzine and #DoctorWho’s 50th Anniversary

15 Jul

**edited to include new stories I am reviewing and the website’s poster**

With Doctor Who’s 50th Anniversary fast approaching next year, everyone is getting on board to celebrate in any shape or form they can. I am no exception. I’ve found Celebrate, Regenerate, which is a fanzine specifically for the 50th anniversary. They would like to have every DW story reviewed/analyzed (and not negatively) for both Classic and NuWho.

More info here:


(From their website)

Our aim is to follow in the footsteps of the Doctor Who Magazine ‘200 Golden Moments’ special. Except this ‘zine will be written entirely by as many fans of the show as possible. Everybody is invited to write for us, whether you’re 10 or 100!

On the ‘Stories’ page, you’ll find a list of all Doctor Who stories that need to be covered. As each one is taken by a fan, it’ll be ticked off. Hopefully we’ll end up with every story taken by the end of the project. Once we have the content, we’ll be able to build up a physical ‘zine which you’ll then be able to get hold of and read.

Be part of Doctor Who’s 50th!


I am doing three (I know! 3!): the Third Doctor’s ‘Death to the Daleks’; the Ninth Doctor’s two part finale ‘Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways’; and the Tenth Doctor’s ‘Fear Her’ (hush, I loved it for what it was, so stop hating on it!) Come join in on the Whopreciation with me!!

Peace & Love,

Happy 70th Birthday to my “husband” Harrison Ford

13 Jul

My “Sexiest Man of my Life” turns 70 today. Oh, the things I would do to this man!







*le sigh*

Peace & Love,

Dating is not a relationship.

9 Jul

Today everyone combines dating, relationships, and sex into one category. Am I the only one who doesn’t anymore? Is it passé?

You might be wondering why I am bringing this up. Whelp, at brunch today I met up with James and Mike and while we were there a guy I have dated and still occasionally go out with (read, no longer sleep with) was there. I shall call him “S”. “S” came by the table on his way out to say hey to James and myself (he doesn’t know Mike) and about 5-6 minutes after he had left I received a text from him that read “Is this the other guy you’ve been sleeping with? That’s f***ed up!” I showed James and Mike and we all got a good laugh out of it bc James and Mike are dating each other. So I waited until I got home, about 10 minutes ago, and tried to call him, but went to voicemail. So i said F*** it and emailed him. I let him know that:

Continue reading

Happy Birthday America!!

4 Jul



Oh, fortune cookie…

2 Jul

Considering my previous post, this fortune cookie’s fortune is pretty spot on!

Peace & Who