Tag Archives: donna noble

#TheFavoritesofDoctorWho April Photo Challenge – Day 6

6 Apr

Favorite Heartbreaking Scene


Rose haters turn to the right. Donna Noble lovers, turn left (and I’m so, so sorry!).
(This will be in vid form, so….yeah)
and let’s not forget this sub-plot:





p.s. Today’s challenge KILLED my emotions, thx 😛


Gally is only 12 days out!

4 Feb

What’s a geek girl to do when there’s less than 2 weeks to her next out-of-town cosplaying convention? Why, make lists of course!

Still need:

  1. white slip (rose)
  2. black mules (rose & donna)
  3. try to find better PIC cami, but not necessary
  4. maybe one more pair of plain black leggings.
  5. order hot pink tights
  6. find a CotBS cardigan, or ixnay outfit
  7. white lab coat (rose)
  8. cheap “psychic paper” but necessary
  9. nice black trousers

In total I’m packing 7 outfits, of which 2 are for photo shots and 1 is for the 500 miles video. Also, one may just be a backup in case I’m uncomfortable with one of the remaining ones.

Oh, and I need wooden spoons for my “Sue from catering” part. Damn, more crap to buy!

All Gally things aside, in one week I’ll be at the SciFi Exp, seeing Adam Baldwin again and meeting Ron Glass, Sean Maher and Jewel Staite!!!!! *squee*

Peace & Love,
