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Travel to Madrid, part deux

8 Oct

This probably shouldn’t even be a post on it’s own, but you can’t have a part 1 without at least a part 2, right?

Our flight to Madrid was uneventful. I had hoped for more sleep, but managed almost 3hrs between the dinner and breakfast services, which isn’t bad considering the flight was only 6hrs. I swear, going to Newark threw everything off for me. I’m used to 10hr international flights, so having it split into 2 30%/70% ones threw a wrench in my routine. Life, right?

I did end up with no one next to me, praise be! Lol. Extra room for my rowmate and myself!

As far as the rest goes, here’s a few fotos and then I’m signing off. Love y’all!

Can you tell I’m half dead to the world lololol

And so begins flight numero dos!

Because Mia loves them (yuck!)

Almost there!

Goodbye plane that hit the worst turbulence ever

Madrid Airport, groovy all day.

Random shuttle shot as we head to Terminal 4 aka the airport metro station

Til next time,



Fly Fast, Fly Free

8 May

painted by me, May 8, 2018

Life always throws curveballs

31 Mar

Thankfully this curveball was a good one. Nee, not good, great! I had given up on ever owning anything on my own, thanks to my inability to manage money and my credit in my 20s (live and learn), but the desire to have my own piece of this earth was always in the back of my mind. You know how it is, that little “well *maybe* I’ll be able to… day.”

Ladies and gentlemen, that one day finally came!

I now own my very own piece of Texas. It’s desert. It’s going to be offgrid. And I love it. Try and take it from me, and I will throat punch you.

It was 110% unexpected. I hadn’t been back to West Texas since my Geography field school at University, but I always did love it down there (and seriously, it continuously amazes me how vastly different regions of this state can be). I’m grateful to Moeder for finding the property listing, and to my parents for being willing to drive down there with me. Never underestimate the knowledge your parents have, even if they do frustrate you sometimes. (Love you both!!)

I want to drive straight back down there, put fencing up and start building the house, but a) come on Jess, you don’t really know how to do either of those things, and b) you’re now on a 5yr plan to move down there (or you have to win the lottery first), so patience padawan.

I’ll end this with my favourite photo I took at the ghost town down there. See y’all with the next post!

Cali Vacation – Day 1

14 Feb

I should call this the day I stayed up 21hrs, smh. (and Day 2 looks like it’ll be nearly the same)

Left for the airport at 345a, dropped my car off at the Parking Spot, shuttled to Terminal, and then waited in line at security for 45min. Never seen so many groups going anywhere in February. Wonder if they were all going cruising? Anyways…boring flight, made it to LA, and checked into the hotel. Blah blah blah lol.

This Hilton is nice!

The room is a lot bigger than the Marriott rooms, so that’s a plus (and it was cheaper, yay). There is no fridge which sucks, but we’ll make it work somehow.

Moving on. Day 1 was chill because I was the first one to LA. Katrina and Chris arrived at about noon. We met up, had lunch at Denny’s and caught up. After we parted ways, I went to the hotel, was hoping to meet up with an aunt, that didn’t work out, and by then I was nearly dead to the world. Stayed in the room, put on pjs, turned on the Olympics and eventually fell asleep.

I swear, this vacation will get more interesting lol. Promise!

xox, jess

Adventure is calling my name…

6 Jan

2018 is the beginning of a new time for me. As I have been inching closer and closer to 40 each year, I would think about all the things I still want to do in my life, and add them to my bucket list. Well, what’s the point of making a list if you aren’t going to complete some/most/all of the items on it?? Time to start ticking those boxes and living life!

Life has been…..unhealthy.

6 Jun

I didn’t even bother looking at when I last posted because I know it has been a long while. Life in Dallas has been interesting. I never particularly loved the DFW area, and I took a chance moving here, but haven’t been very happy. My depression and anxiety have gone through the roof, and the number of panic attacks I have had has gone up 15x over the previous 3 years. I know some of the cause, but as it is not an easy fix, I am having to learn how to deal with all 3 of those things to keep myself from going off the deep end.

If you know me, you know I don’t like doctors. I don’t like being given medicine to fix myself. I don’t like talking through what’s bugging me. I really don’t like that I can’t fix myself on my own. I have turned to meditating. Which ended up just turning into me hiding in my apartment every weekend to decompress from the world.

Was moving here worth what I am currently battling? In some ways, yes. In a lot more ways, HELL NO.

Do I regret my choice? Almost every day. But it was exactly that: my choice. So I have to deal with the fallout.

Continue reading

Gallifrey One 2015

23 Feb

If there’s one thing I look forward to every year, it’s the Doctor Who Con in LA, Gallifrey One. After the miserable last half of 2014, I was halfheartedly looking forward to my other “family reunion”. I honestly don’t go for the guests any more. I go to see all my friends from around the globe, and then  the guests are a bit of bonus.

Ignoring some drama, I arrived in LA the Wednesday prior to the convention and automatically felt relaxed. Nothing like being able to block out reality for a few days. Insert all the adventures of taking LA public transport to see the shuttle Endeavour at the California Science Center, to our Doctor Who cosplays mashed up with comic characters on Friday, to saying goodbye to everyone on Sunday….it was a pretty damn good time. Didn’t get to do everything I wanted, but saw most everyone I wanted to, so still a WIN. I’ll let some photos explain the trip. Ready for next year, and more tourist time in LA.

peace & love




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#TheFavoritesofDoctorWho April Photo Challenge – Day 6

6 Apr

Favorite Heartbreaking Scene


Rose haters turn to the right. Donna Noble lovers, turn left (and I’m so, so sorry!).
(This will be in vid form, so….yeah)
and let’s not forget this sub-plot:





p.s. Today’s challenge KILLED my emotions, thx 😛


Gallifrey One 2014 – Saturday

19 Feb

Gallifrey One 2014 - Saturday

One picture will pretty much some up Saturday for me. I’ll give a proper update later, but for now enjoy the TinLitter with the Eighth Doctor.

Anything else want to go wrong?

1 Aug

To the arse who felt the need to spew his hate my way re: the TDKR massacre

20 Jul

*this rant is rated M for curse words*

The massacre at the theatre in Aurora Colorado saddens me. Do not send me crap saying that I am a bad person for being sad and upset this happened, “when there are other countries with worse issues.” You know what I have to say to you? This happened in my country. We are not a war zone. We do not have multiple extreme shootings like this on a daily basis. This happened in an enclosed building, where families and individuals just wanted to enjoy themselves and watch an amazing film. They did not think “hey, let’s risk our lives and go see the midnight screening of the Dark Knight Rises.” Are you that much of a fucking asshole that you have no respect to the families who have all suffered losses? There was a 3 month old shot. A 3 MONTH OLD! Who the fuck are you to tell me not to be sad just because, to you, it’s “not as bad” as some random people in a country that has severe political unrest and terrorism issues. No I don’t know anyone in Aurora, nor do I know anyone in a middle eastern country, but I’ll be damned if ANYONE tells me how I am supposed to feel about ANYTHING.

Go spew your hate and ignorance elsewhere.

*hops off soapbox*

Happy 70th Birthday to my “husband” Harrison Ford

13 Jul

My “Sexiest Man of my Life” turns 70 today. Oh, the things I would do to this man!







*le sigh*

Peace & Love,

Driving to Dallas

21 May

As we were Dallas ComicCon bound, it’s a short road trip for us, but the short trips always worry me because something could go wrong and strand you when you’re *this* close to your destination. Thankfully, this time around everything went smoothly. As we left Austin, we weren’t even out of the parking lot yet when we encountered a stubborn suicidal bunny. After it hopped along, we were finally on our way. Then, going north on I35 just before Temple, a vulture randomly swoops down and lands in the lane next to ours. All we can do is drive by and look at it, and we watch as it flies off, narrowly missing being run over by an 18wheeler. Stupid bird. I made some stupid remark about its carcass feeding its cannibalistic cousin, which thinking back on it, isn’t as funny now as it was in the car lol.

We stopped off for dinner at Five Guys. We’ve never been there, so we ask about their burgers and the guy tells us that their regular burger comes w/2 patties. Um, wth?! Little burger it is then. Then we tell him we’ll split large fries, and he informs us that large fries can feed 4 ppl. Seriously, who created these portions? The food was fab though, I recommend it.

The rest of the trip was mainly random songs and geeky topics of conversation. We sang to some Garfield and Oates (pregnant women are scum for the win!), and to whatever else played on shuffle. Then we got to talking about the different level of geeks and nerds, especially w/Whovians. We decided that the ones who know the name of every director, producer, writer, extra, monster, whatever of every episode (Classic and New) are nerds, whereas we fall into the category of geek since we love Who, know each NewWho episode name (and some Classics), the main characters, some of writers and directors, but our life isn’t all Who 100% of the time. (Of course, replace Who w/whatever random, video game, LARP, yadda yadda  that fits you). Maybe our definition doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for us so there 🙂

We got to Laura’s parents house at about 1130p, and after greeting them, I promptly fell asleep as I had been up for 22hrs by that point. The box office was supposed to open at 930 Saturday morning, so I decided I would deal w/unpacking in the morning.

Day 1 of Dallas ComicCon will be up either tomorrow or Wednesday. My camera is acting up and I can’t get my videos off it, grrr!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!!!


Mega Millions, hmmm.

31 Mar

Not me this time!

To make up for it, I’ll watch some episodes of Warehouse 13 with Mark Sheppard in them *rrr*

Everyone have a great Saturday!

Some Gally Cosplay photos.

24 Feb

The few Gally cosplay photos that I remembered to take instead of just staring at in awe.

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