• You say plus size.  What size are you? – anonymous
    Well anonymous, it’s more sizeS. I am not a little stick girl. I have curves and love having curves. Though, ready to lose a few of them. Thankfully, I have always been curvy, so I already have the hour glass shape!
  • I wouldn’t say you represent a normal geek. Do you even read comics? – anonymous
    Thank you anonymous (Not really, because you’re a dick for commenting this) This is a stereotype free website.  That being said, I do read comics (Wonder Woman, Doctor Who, Angel & Faith, Aquaman, DMZ, Warehouse 13, The Guild, Serenity, Torchwood, and whatever else catches my eye at the comic store, along with Sailor Moon Mangas), I play some video games (though I don’t own a console anymore), and I cosplay at conventions. Those things make me fall into some peoples version of a geek.  Why, what’s yours “definition”? I mean, besides condescending butthurt meninist?
  • Which comic cons do you go to? -anonymous
    As I live in Texas, I tend to stay in state. My yearly ones though are: Dallas Fan Days, Gallifrey One (in LA), FanExpo Dallas, Dallas SciFi Expo, and Alamo City Comic Con. (I used to go to DFW WhoFest every year, but they’ve called it quits for now unfortunately)

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