Archive | July, 2014

Why I’ve smiled lately…

5 Jul
I can’t put EVERYTHING in this list that has made me smile (keeping it PG lol), but here’s a small sample from the last month and a half (sorry it’s been so long!):



It’s two of my favorite animals in one photo! I need more cute photos like this 🙂


Spent Comicpalooza with two awesome friends. Shout outs to Molly and Mark! It was definitely an interesting blast, because FOUR DOCTORS! 😉

Speaking of Doctors……..


I was able to mark another Doctor off my list: the Fifth Doctor! He may not be my favorite Doctor, but I have found I absolutely adore Peter Davison ❤ Plus come on, this photo is awesome (mainly because we were all laughing as my wig had attacked his face at first)


Gotta love us Shafer gals 😉 Family embraces your weirdness (only because they are just as weird!)

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Helped End Alzheimer’s on The Longest Day this year with my loves, Team Wine Lords. Always have a blast with these people.


And most recently, spent a long weekend with my parents celebrating their 35th Anniversary  ❤

Love you Moeder, love you Dad!