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Travel Day to Madrid, part 1.

6 Oct

Word of the Day: Fatigued

Got up before my alarm went off at 0230. Got to the Parking Spot 30min before my reservation. Only had to wait behind 1 person at TSA. Timing was on my side.

Then I get to Newark only to find out my layover went from 6hrs to 8hrs. Le sigh. But hey, it can only be worse. Like the woman handling an overseas flight by herself with 4 kids? She earned those 2 beers she had at lunch. The woman with the screaming kid? She earned the 10min nap in her chair once her child fell asleep. The older couple being pushed in wheelchairs? Well, idk what they are traveling to or from, but kudos to them for not letting any health issues stop them. So yes, having to wait an additional 2hrs? No biggie.

But here I am, sitting at my gate, charging my phone, and writing in my Adventure Book. As busy as this airport usually is, I’m happy I’m here during non-peak time. It’ll be interesting to people watch once like 1600 rolls around.

(Oh, and my knees are still sore from being crammed into the back of the chair in front of me.)

Stay tuned for part two, coming your way sometime tomorrow, along with my “First Day in Madrid” recap.



It’s 4a on a Saturday. Even on my schedule I should be asleep. At DFW.

Obligatory “shoes and airport carpet” foto.

Awkward bathroom selfie at Newark